Would you like to understand yourself better and improve your communication skills, all in a warm group of like-minded people?
Starting from January 2025, you can join one of the two group trajectories, one focusing on high sensitivity and another focusing on anger management.
Did you notice that you are sometimes sensitive to loud noises, people passing by or by some bright light? Maybe being out too long makes you tired and just by observing people around you understand how they feel? If you answer positively, the chance is high that you might be a highly sensitive person, or HSP.
Highly sensitive people process their sensations, feelings, and ideas somewhat differently from other people. The sensations seem to be intense, feelings can be quite strong, and the ideas can be deep. These intense processes sometimes lead to hyperarousal, tiredness and symptoms of burn-out.
The good news is that if the highly sensitive people find a way to keep their level of arousal at an optimal level, they can feel energetic and focused.
In group sessions everyone learns about their own high sensitivity profiles and about the ways to maintain the optimal level of arousal.
The group consists of 6 people and two trainers. The trajectory consists of 6 weekly sessions, 1.5 hour each. The sessions are paid 15 euro per 6 sessions (2.5 euro per session).
Do you find it difficult to talk to your child or partner when they are angry, stressed, or sad? You react from care and your best intentions, yet they get even more upset. Do you try to avoid talking to your loved ones when they are distressed?
Communication with a distressed child or partner needs to respect certain rules. In our group sessions, we learn about these rules and master a communication technique which allows you to create a warm connection and communicate to your child or partner how much you care about them.
We work in a group of 8-10 people and one trainer. The trajectory consists of one-hour sessions and costs 45 euro per three sessions (15 euro per session).
© 2025 Alexandra Jaricova. All right reserved.