I studied Integrative Psychotherapy in AIHP Belgium.
I was trained in medicine and neurology and in my twenties I did some research on neurophysiology and psychology. Today, knowledge of neurology together with concepts of EMDR, polyvagal theory, and sensory integration guide my treatment of trauma, anxiety, and grief in neurotypical and neurodivergent clients.
I am a highly sensitive person, HSP, and feel many different things at once. Luckily, I can also name, understand and regulate them. And I am happy to pass these skills on to my clients, many of whom are also highly sensitive. (In fact, Dr. Elaine Aron, who coined the term Highly Sensitive Person, believes that most people coming to the therapy are highly sensitive.) If you are HSP yourself, good news, we both know what it is like. If you are not sure whether you are HSP, you can check the questionnaire here.
I am a certified career coach. For HSP and the broader public I offer a 7-hour career coaching course in which we focus on preventing burn-out and building sustainable self-care. The career coaching sessions can be partially yet generously reimbursed by VDAB, the Flemish agency for work mediation and professional education.
Currently I have been working at the group practice Alento. Together with fantastic colleagues, we support people from 6 to 70 years old from Leuven and surroundings.
I am a member of two Belgian professional associations for integrative psychotherapy, BNVIP and ABP-BVP.
I live in Leuven. If you see me in the town, no panic, we can always say hello to each other and go our separate ways until our next session.
© 2025 Alexandra Jaricova. All right reserved.